Probable World: Taming Data Uncertainty
发布时间:2012-03-12 浏览量:4803



  目:Probable World: Taming Data Uncertainty




报告人简介: 林学民,新南威尔士大学大学计算机科学及工程学院教授,数据库研究实验室主任。自20094月起,在华东师范大学担任兼职教授,20116月起受聘于华东师范大学软件学院。生于上海市,1984年毕业于复旦大学数学系,1992年在昆士兰大学获得博士学位。长期从事数据库理论、算法与技术研究,在空间数据、不确定数据、流数据、图数据等领域(和学生及合作者一起)作出了一系列开创性工作,提出了一系列基于海量计算的新颖概念、计算模式及快速有效的索引技术和数据抽取算法。近年来在数据库领域顶级国际学术会议及顶级杂志上共发表了70余篇学术论文;累计在数据库和算法领域重要的国际学术会议和国际学术期刊发表并录用了170余篇论文,其中10篇国际会议优秀论文,包括数据库顶级国际会议ICDE’07上的优秀学生论文奖(best student paper award), ICDE’10上的优秀论文(one of the best papers) , 及数据库顶级国际会议SIGMOD’11 上的优秀论文(one of the best papers)。他目前的研究兴趣是海量数据的处理,包括图数据、时空数据、字符串数据、不确定数据等。是国际上关于Skyline计算、不确定数据等研究方向的先驱者之一。林学民教授先后在4th Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS'98), 6th International Computing and Combintorics Conference (COCOON2000), 6th Asia Pacific Web Conference (APweb04), the joint conference of 9th Asia Web Conference and 8th Web-Age Information Management Conference (APweb/WAIM2007),  19th and 20th Australasian Database Conference (ADC08, ADC09)担任会议程序委员会主席,在14th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA09) 上担任大会主席。目前他是数据库顶级杂志ACM TODS的编委。

报告内容简介:Uncertain data are inherent in many important applications, such as environmental surveillance, market analysis, quantitative economics research, and data quality management. Uncertainty in those applications is caused by various factors including data randomness and incompleteness, limitations of measuring equipment, delayed data updates, etc. Driven by recent real-life applications, analyzing massive uncertain data emerges as an important research topic and has attracted considerable interests from the database and data mining research community. In the talk, I will firstly introduce the models and semantics of uncertain data and probabilistic queries.  Then, I will provide an over view towards recent developments of efficient and effective techniques for processing probabilistic queries with the focus on our recent work in SIGMOD, VLDB, and ICDE. 


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