发布时间:2012-09-20 浏览量:4385

报告题目: Formal and Engineering Models for Application

to Architecture Adequation in Embedded System Design

报告人:Robert de Simone,【INRIA(法国)】



Computer Architectures have become more and more diverse, with increasing parallelism at all levels, as in manycore and GPGPU processors. Paradigms from embedded and High Performance Computing architectures are progressively invading the mainstream computing devices, also due to the convergence of application needs. Meanwhile, applications are increasingly interacting with the external and physical world , leading to intensive signal, image and data processing.

Not so surprisingly, the consequence of these new sources of heterogeneity is that efficent allocation mapping of applications onto architectures is no longer as simple a compiling process as used to be in the sequential case. In this talk we will try to investigate how formal models of concurrent systems for computations and communications can be used to represent the issues at stakes, and in some case to contribure to their solution, ,with the imporatnt objective of reinforcing automation and optimality criteria in the compilation flow for such application domain.


Robert de Simone is full-time Researcher with the French National Institute for Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (INRIA), a governemental research agency (Research Director since 1991, and prior to this Junior Researcher from June 1984). He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the university of Paris Jussieu (1984), and an Habiliation Thesis from the University of Nice/Sophia-Antipolis (UNS). He is the scientific leader of the joint INRIA/UNS Aoste research team, with on average 10 permanent staff and 20 intern/PhD/postdoc students. He was originally INRIA prime investigator for the OMG UML standard MARTE for Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time Embedded systems,as well as collaborative research projects at French national and european level. He is the author of over 60 journal and conference articles, and holds a number of positions in Educational and Technology transfer Boards in southern France PACA administrative area.

Dr de Simone scientific fields of interest includes Concurrency Theory and formal semantics, reactive systems (the Esterel language), and proper combination of formal methods into engineering flows for Embedded System design.

院长信箱:yuanzhang@sei.ecnu.edu.cn | 办公邮箱:office@sei.ecnu.edu.cn | 院办电话:021-62232550
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