Stability Criteria for Large Complex Systems with Time Delays and Asymm
发布时间:2012-10-08 浏览量:4291

讲座题目:Stability Criteria for Large Complex Systems with Time Delays and Asymm


主持人:曹振柄 教授

开始时间:2012-10-08 10:30





     林伟,复旦大学教授,计算系统生物学中心常务主任,复旦大学数学科学学院副院长。其主要研究方向包括: 微分方程及随机微分方程、泛函微分方程、差分方程、分数阶导数微分方程中各类基本理论和动力学研究(包括各类定性分析、混沌理论的研究); 神经元网络等确定性、切变、随机复杂网络中的各类动力学现象涌现的机制研究; 非线性系统的()控制、自适应控制及系统识别; 计算生物学中动力学模型 (神经元膜电位模型、染色体复制模型等) 的参数识别与动力学分析; 不同尺度下,生物体节律调频、调幅机制的理论和应用研究。中西医衰老机制以及肾病研究中的数学建模 (其中包括:发展Granger Causality等方法,并运用之在不同水平上构建网络,建立动力学模型,解释和揭示与疾病衰老相关的生物医学机制)。已在国际相关领域的学术期刊发表的术论文40余篇,其中有PLoS, Comp. Biol., IEEE T. AC, IEEE T. NN, Phys. Rev. E, Chaos, J. Functional Analysis等杂志。自20101月起担任国际期刊 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos IJBC)的 Guest Associate Editor,自20121月起任IJBCAssociate Editor。自2005年以来,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项、面上基金二项,参加国家自然科学基金重大研究计划一项,参加科技部973项目三项。2011年教育部新世纪人才, 2010年获教育部霍英东基金会高校青年教师奖二等奖, 2010年上海市曙光学者, 2007年上海市科技启明星。


Large dynamic systems with complex interaction arise in many fields including physics, biology and engineering. In 1972, May investigatedthe stability of large linear dynamical systems with random coupling that applies to a complex ecological network. May analyzed the case of independent random interactions and considered stability criteria in terms of the system's size and other parameters. Since then, with the development of theory of random matrices, May's model has been generalized and discussed widely. Recently, Allesina and Tang extended May's ecological model and results to the case of asymmetric coupling, for example, predator-prey models, mutualistic or competitive models, and provided analytic stability criteria. Another generalization is to consider a system with timee delay. Here we combine these ideas together and investigate the behaviour of a large complex system with asymmetric random coupling and time delay. We find some results related to absolutely stable, absolutely unstable, both of which are independent of the time delay, and conditional stable with time delay. We have also carried out some numerical simulation to demonstrate our theoretical results.


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