发布时间:2013-07-01 浏览量:4902

讲座题目:可信计算论坛:Predicting the Past: Two recent applications of 

phylogenetic-network construction

主讲人:Andreas Dress 教授

主持人曾振柄 教授

时间:2013-07-06 09:3011:30



报告摘要:When Friedrich Schiller gave his inaugural lecture as a Professor of History in Jena on May 26, 1789, he entitled it "Was heißt und zu welchem Ende studiert man Universalgeschichte?", that is, "What is and to which end does one study world history?". In this lecture, he distinguished two kinds of scholars, the bread scholar who just works for the money and with neither interest nor ability to recognize the "big picture" Gesamtzusammenhänge) and who is frightened of any innovation because it shatters the old traditional system that he so laboriously adopted, and the philosophical mind whose efforts are directed toward the perfection of his knowledge, who is delighted by new discoveries in the sphere of his activities, who has always loved the truth more than his system, and who will gladly be the first to abandon to re-establish a more perfect view. Similarly, one studies phylogenetic combinatorics to elucidate the rules and patterns of species evolution and population genetics under the influence of the four main evolutionary processes: natural selection, genetic drift, mutation and gene flow (Wikipedia) and needs to combine modern biological knowledge and insight with innovative mathematical conceptualization, modelling and algorithm design supported by computer-science based IT architectures and strategies. In the lecture, I will particularly stress the importance of phylogenetic networks and the mathematical concepts that support phylogenetic-network construction, the tight-span concept, the method of splitdecomposition, and the quartet-analysis based approach. 


报告人简介:德国Bielefeld大学数学系教授Andreas Dress. 也是德国莱比锡数学研究所成员,曾于2005年至2010年担任中国科学院上海生命科学研究院计算生物学伙伴研究所所长, 获得过多项中国政府奖励, 包括国际科技合作奖, 政府友谊奖,上海市白玉兰金奖等。Dress教授除了在数学领域的卓越贡献以外,他在计算生物学领域的主要贡献之一是建立了分析生物数据中网络关系的数学方法,该方法在物种发育树, 病毒演化分析等问题中有重要应用意义。

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