发布时间:2014-10-13 浏览量:5084

报告题目:User-Habit-Oriented Authentication Model:

Toward Secure, User-Friendly Authentication for Mobile Devices(可信计算论坛)

报 告 人: Xiaodong  Lin 副教授

主 持 人:曹珍富 教授

报告时间:20141014日周二  9:30




Mobile device security has become increasingly important as we become more dependent on mobile devices. One fundamental security problem is user authentication, and if not executed correctly, leaves the mobile user vulnerable to harm like impersonation and unauthorized access. Although many user authentication mechanisms have been presented in the past, studies have shown mobile users prefer usability over security; but unfortunately, a higher level of security often entails sacrificing usability. Moreover, mobile users often unlock their devices in public spaces, inevitably resulting in a high possibility of user credentials disclosure.

In this talk, I will introduce a novel user-habit-oriented authentication model, where mobile users can integrate their own habits with user authentication on mobile devices. The user-habit-oriented authentication turns a tedious security action into an enjoyable experience. Also, I will present a rhythm based authentication scheme, providing the first proof of concept toward secure user-habit-oriented authentication for mobile devices. Then, I will discuss the possibility of using theory of mind in security field for further security enhancement. Finally, I will show that the proposed scheme has high accuracy in terms of false rejection rate. Also, the proposed scheme is able to protect from attacks caused by credential disclosure, which could be fatal in the traditional authentication schemes.


Xiaodong Lin received the PhD degree in Information Engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, and the PhD degree (with Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies Award) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Faculty of Business and Information Technology, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Canada.

His research interests include wireless communications and network security, computer forensics, software security, and applied cryptography. Dr. Lin serves as an Associate Editor for many international journals. He has served or is serving as a guest editor for many special issues of IEEE, Elsevier and Springer journals and as a symposium chair or track chair for IEEE/ACM conferences. He also served on many program committees. He currently serves as Vice Chair for Publications of Communications and Information Security Technical Committee (CISTC) IEEE Communications Society (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2015). He is a senior member of the IEEE.


院长信箱:yuanzhang@sei.ecnu.edu.cn | 办公邮箱:office@sei.ecnu.edu.cn | 院办电话:021-62232550
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