1月26号:鞠磊 可信计算论坛
发布时间:2015-01-13 浏览量:5100

Model-driven Timing Analysis of Embedded Software

时间:1月26日下午14:00-15:00 (Jan. 26)
地点:数学馆201  (Math Building, Room 201)




       Ju Lei is an Associate Professor at School of Computer Science and Technology in Shandong University. He obtained his B.E. and Ph.D. from National University of Singapore in 2005 and 2010, respectively. His research interests cover the areas of modeling, design, analysis and optimization of real-time and embedded systems. He has authored a number of referred journal and conference articles (including DAC, RTAS, DATE, CODES+ISSS, ASP-DAC, ICWS, and RTS Journal). He has received the best paper award nominations in CODES+ISSS 2008 and RTAS 2011.


       In recent years, model-based design has become an industrial standard to address problems associated with designing complex embedded software. For hard real-time system domains including avionics and automobiles, static timing analysis is of paramount importance. To reinforce the advantages of model-based design approach, timing analysis must be seamlessly coupled to provide designers with temporal behavior of the system at early design stages. In this talk, we will present some model-driven timing analysis (in particular the worst-case execution time analysis) techniques for embedded software automatically generated from high-level synchronous models. We show that to achieve sound and tight timing estimates in model-driven embedded software design, both model-level and micro-architectural information need to be considered in the timing analysis.

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