发布时间:2015-05-18 浏览量:5761

报告题目: Benefits of Tapping into In-Situ Big Data Processing

报告人:李    超  副研究员(上海交通大学)

主持人:陈铭松  副教授

报告时间:2015年5月20日周三 13:30—14:30





       Distributed big data sets are pushing the limits of data processing. The challenge for handling these data in the cloud is increasing rapidly due to the time-consuming bulk data transfer and the increasing power capacity needs for analyzing them in a single location. Thus, it is timely to rethink the architecture of today’s cloud-oriented data processing that places a heavy emphasis on central warehouse-scale systems. In this talk I'll introduce the concept of "in-situ computing", a viable design alternative supporting the sustainable evolution of data processing in the big data era. (在万物互联以及信息物理融合的趋势下,分布式大数据挑战着数据处理的极限。传统云数据中心缺乏对此类数据的应对能力,主要原因在于极大的数据传输开销和供电容量限制。这个报告旨在思索传统的基于中央云数据中心的设计模式,并介绍“场上计算”的概念。场上计算可以作为目前云计算的有机补充,为大数据时代的可持续发展铺路。)



       Chao Li is a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He earned his PhD at the University of Florida, where he has received a prestigious Attributes of a Gator Engineer Recognition Award. Chao's work focuses on computer architecture and green computing techniques. He has received a Best Paper Award at the premier computer architecture conference HPCA. He is a winner of the Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges Award in the area of green computing and a Facebook Fellowship in Computer Architecture. He is a member of IEEE, ACM, and CCF. (李超,博士,现为上海交大计算机系特聘副研究员,博士生导师。本科毕业于浙江大学,博士毕业于美国佛罗里达大学。主要从事计算机体系结构、高能效数据中心,以及绿色计算相关的基础架构研究。他在体系结构顶尖会议如ISCA, HPCA, MICRO等发表多篇第一作者论文,并获得2011年度HPCA最佳论文奖。他是中国计算机学会体系结构专委会委员,多次参与重要SCI期刊如TPDS,JPDC,JETCAS的评审,并担任相关国际会议的组织委员和程序委员。)

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