发布时间:2015-10-16 浏览量:5624

题目:Challenges of algorithmic intermediation

报告人:Stéphane Grumbach

时间:2015年10月22日 9:00-9:40


报告摘要:Intermediation platforms change our life, the way we are organized, and eventually the society as a whole. Intermediation platforms intermediate between people and services, giving for instance access to knowledge through search engines, or to vehicles with drivers through transportation networks. They disrupt an increasing number of actors because they offer innovative services which are rapidly adopted by large parts of the population. The new services are made possible by combining global data, essentially available, with personal data of their users, thus allowing a representation of the world at a granularity unthinkable in the past. Working in the virtual world, they do not in general have the constraints of producing the services in the real one. This young industry has a global reach, and enjoys booming capitalizations. In this talk, I will present the general mechanisms of algorithmic intermediation, including two-sided economic models, the fundamental externalities, as well as disintermediation mechanisms, which are common to all sectors.

报告人简介:Stéphane Grumbach, senior scientist at Inria, is a specialist of data. He has worked on complex data types, such as spatial, statistical, as well as biological data, and has designed a compression algorithm for DNA sequences. His main interests are targeted to topics at the intersection of disciplines. His current research focuses on the disruptions of the digital revolution, particularly on intermediation platforms, which transform data to create new economic and societal means.

He is director of IXXI, the Complex Systems Institute at ENS Lyon, promoting cross-disciplinary research to address contemporary challenges, and heads the Dice research group from Inria devoted to the Economy of Data.

He has been strongly involved in international relations, has spent eight years in China, first as a diplomat and then in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where he headed the Sino-European IT Lab, LIAMA.



题目:Education in the age of platforms

报告人:Aurélien Faravelon

时间:2015年10月22日 9:40-10:10


报告摘要:Platforms are pervading the education sectors. edX or coursera, for instance, are only two examples of major platforms in the sector. In this talk, I will inquire into the way platforms revolution education and their potential externalities.

I will first picture the describe the education platform ecosystem. I will show how the platform model alters the social relations at the heart of education and the learning process.

I will then turn to platforms which are not directly educational, such as github or stackoverflow and show the way they leverage human resources for instance as they help to target potential clients or workers and assess competences.

I will wrap up my talk by presenting the overall externalities of platforms in education and address tools, such as degrees or Cvs that they will reshape, along with the way we use them.

报告人简介:Aurélien Faravelon holds a PhD in computer science and a MA in philosophy. After completing a doctorate on privacy management and protection, he joined the DICE team at IXXI in Lyon, France. He currently investigates the issues of digital economy and especially digital intermediation. His recent works include designing a model for digital intermediation and designing tools to visualise the intermediation economy.




题目:Info-plosion and Big Data

报告人:喜连川优 教授




We have been working in the area so called big data since Info-plosion project in Japan.Some of our recent results, in thearea of healthcare and transportation, which are  published at KDD2015, BIGDATA 2014,2015 etc will be introduced.We try to solve healthcare problems in under-developing countries. New population health management model is built and real experiments were done in Bangladesh.We also did nursing activities analytics in Japanese hospital and identified pain issues.Tokyo is much bigger than Manhattan. Traffic accidents are serious problem. Driving pattern analytics is done to helps this issue. The talk will cover various big data related results.


喜连川 优,东京大学教授,日本国立情报研究所(NII)所长,东京大学“地球观测数据集成与融合研究计划(EDITORIA)”执行主任。他于1983年在东京大学获得信息工程学博士学位。研究兴趣包括高性能数据库工程和大数据系统,目前所涉及的环境数字地球数据超过10PB。他曾担任ICDE指导委员会主席、VLDB基金会理事,于2009年获得ACM SIGMOD E. F. Codd创新奖。他担任日本教育、文化、体育、科技部科学顾问,是ACM Fellow和IEEE Fellow。

Masaru Kitsuregawa is the Director General at National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Japan and is also a Professor at the Institute of Industrial Science and the Earth Observation Data Integration and Fusion Research Initiative (EDITORIA), the University of Tokyo. He received his Dr. Eng. Degree in information engineering in 1983 from the University of Tokyo. His research interests include high performance database engineering, big data system. He is running earth environmental digital earth of more than 10PB. He was the Chief Scientist of the Funding Program for World Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology: Development of the Fastest Database Engine for the Era of Very Large Database and Experiment and Evaluation of Strategic Social Services Enabled by the Database Engine (2010-2014). He serves as a chair of the steering committee of IEEE ICDE, and served as trustee of the VLDB Endowment and the President of Information Processing Society of Japan. He is a recipient of the ACM SIGMOD E. F. Codd Innovation Award in 2009. He was serving as a science advisor to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan. He is an IEICE Fellow, IPSJ Fellow, ACM Fellow and IEEE Fellow.


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