发布时间:2016-08-28 浏览量:5460

8月29日:张俊:Threshold and Imprecise Numerical Representation


报告题目:Threshold and Imprecise Numerical Representation (阈值和非精确数字表示)

报告人:张  俊 教授【美国密西根大学 终身教授】

主持人:陈仪香 教授

报告地点:中北校区数学馆 202室



张俊,美国密西根大学心理学系终身教授数学系终身教授,美国心理学协会会士,Psychonomics Society会士。现任《数学心理学》杂志副主编,历任数学心理学协会副主席、主席、执行委员会委员,担任全美脑与行为科学协会联盟(FABBS)理事并入选为执行董事。1985年获得复旦大学理论物理学士,1992年获得加里福尼亚大学伯克利神经生物学博士,并获聘于密西根大学任终身教职。在学术休假年度,张俊教授在澳洲墨尔本大学、法国科学院马赛所、加拿大滑铁卢大学、日本理研脑科学研究所、英国剑桥大学、美国哈佛大学等,担任客座研究员、访问教授等席位。2007-2011年期间,张俊受聘于美国国防部数学信息生命学部担任基础研究项目经理。张俊教授主持的M3实验室(“Mind,Machine,Mathematics”)长期开展脑与神经元信号分析、计算视觉、认知建模、机器学习等累脑人工智能方面的研究,持续获得美国自然科学基金会、国防部等部门的科研经费支持和支撑。


Characteristic of comparative judgments in psychophysics or other cognitive and education settings is the presence of “threshold.” This ubiquitous phenomenon immediately precludes the numerical representation of physical quantities as linear (total) order. Instead, one needs to incorporate intransitive indifference relationship in numerical representation of stimulus intensity, item difficulty/testee ability. In this talk, I review mathematical psychology tools for modeling “threshold” measurement. It is based on the notion of “semi-order”, which was first proposed by Luce (1956) algebraically. Later, Scott and Suppes (1958) showed that such structure has a numerical representation of a fixed length interval on the real line. Semi-order is later generalized to “interval order”, where the “threshold” (length of the interval) can be variable. I will explain how to construct such imprecise numerical representations, using the example of Guttman scale, where testee ability and item difficulty form a biorder relation, making the data-set interval-scale representable.

院长信箱:yuanzhang@sei.ecnu.edu.cn | 办公邮箱:office@sei.ecnu.edu.cn | 院办电话:021-62232550
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