10月11日:Joseph Liu,张鹏
发布时间:2016-10-09 浏览量:5625


(1)10月11号学术报告:Joseph Liu:Efficient Non-Interactive Multi-Client Searchable Encryption with Support for Boolean Queries


报告题目:Efficient Non-Interactive Multi-Client Searchable Encryption with Support for Boolean Queries

报告人:Joseph Liu 讲师

主持人:陈洁  研究员




Enabled by unprecedented amounts of data streaming from all aspects of our lives, Artificial Intelligence has evolved from a nice-to-have add-on to now a must-to-have component in many mission-critical systems for a large variety of applications. In this talk, we first present an overview of the latest research focus of the computational intelligence research group at HKBU related to healthcare and social media analytics. Application domains cover epidemic prediction, daily routine analysis in smart homes, information diffusion modeling, social network alignment, recommender systems, and drug review analysis. Then, we will present two specific research projects reported at IJCAI'16 and UMAP'15, and followed by a glance of some interesting research challenges as our future work.


Joseph Liu (廖啟瑞) 2004 年取得香港中文大学信息工程系的博士学位. 他的主要研究范畴包括: 网络安全、个人隐私、身份核实、公钥密码、云安全、智能城市安全等。

他现在在澳大利亚蒙纳士大學学(Monash University) 信息技术学院 (Faculty of Information Technology) 担任资深讲师。之前,他在新加坡资讯通讯研究院 (Institute for Infocomm Research, I2R) 担任研究员达 7 年之久。他一共发表超过 100 篇论,其中包括多份 IEEE 期刊 (例如 IEEE TIFS, IEEE Trans. on Computers, IEEE TKDE, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Network ), 其中两篇论文更获 ESORICS 2014 ESORICS 2015 颁发最佳论文奖,论文被引用超过 2500 . H 指数高达27.

他的一项有关轻量密码学的研究,在 2013 年被 ISO采纳成国际标准,供业內同行使用。他同时也担任一些学术会议的主席,包括 ProvSec 2007, 2014, ACISP 2016 以及 ISPEC 2017 等。


(2)1011号学术报告:张鹏:Efficient identity-based leveled fully homomorphic encryption from RLWE


报告题目:Efficient identity-based leveled fully homomorphic encryption from RLWE

报告人:张鹏 讲师

主持人:陈洁 研究员




Based on the learning with errors over rings assumption (RLWE), a somewhat homomorphic encryption (SWHE) by the approximate eigenvector method is proposed, which security can be reduced to the shortest vector problem on ideal lattices in the worst case. And the leveled fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is realized by the secret key switching. Combining the public key of leveled FHE with the identity, we bring forward an efficient identity-based leveled FHE scheme from the RLWE assumption. The security analysis shows that our identity-based leveled FHE scheme is selective-ID secure against chosen-plaintext attacks (IND-sID-CPA) in the random oracle model. And the efficiency analysis and simulation results show that the proposed identity-based leveled FHE scheme is much more efficient than Gentry's and Wang's identity-based cryptosystems based on the learning with errors (LWE) assumption.




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