4月14日:Oliver Marin
发布时间:2017-04-13 浏览量:3981

2017年4月14日:Oliver Marin: On the Exploitation of the Honest Masses: Trustworthiness as a Scalable Service


报告题目:On the Exploitation of the Honest Masses: Trustworthiness as a Scalable Service

主讲人: Oliver Marin (Associate Professor)

主持人: 徐立华 副教授


报告地点:华东师范大学 中北校区 理科大楼B714


Protection against byzantine (i.e. faulty) behaviors in distributed systems comes at great cost. This is especially true for systems that scale, as the number of failures increases with the size of the system. The argument of this talk is that, luckily, byzantine nodes constitute a tiny minority in most networks: cooperative monitoring among the multitude of honest nodes enables the detection, recovery, and even the prevention of faulty behaviors. After discussing the inherently probabilistic nature of fault tolerance, this talk briefly presents a possible approach based on replication systems for building trust among nodes, and then showcases two concrete applications of this approach.


Olivier Marin (https://wp.nyu.edu/omarin/) joined NYU Shanghai as an associate professor in 2015. Before coming to Shanghai he was an associate professor at Sorbonne Universités in Paris, France, and a member of the UPMC/CNRS/INRIA REGAL team (https://team.inria.fr/regal/) from 2004 to 2015. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Le Havre, France, in 2003. He then spent an academic year (2003-2004) as a postdoctoral fellow at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, Netherlands, in the Dept. of Computer Science. His current research focuses on distributed middleware solutions for dependability in various environments: delay-tolerant networks, clouds, and P2P networks. His research interests include fault tolerance, recommendation systems, multi-agent systems, and distributed architectures for the management of Big Data.


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