11月14日: Bjarne Stroustrup
发布时间:2019-11-06 浏览量:11670

报告题目:The Continuing Evolution of C++

报告人:Bjarne Stroustrup

报告时间:2019年11月14日 周四 14:00 – 15:30


报告摘要:The development of C++ started in 1979. Since then, it has grown to be one of the most widely used programming languages ever, with an emphasis on demanding industrial uses. It was released commercially in 1985 and evolved through one informal standard (“the ARM”) and several ISO standards: C++98, C++11, C++14, C++17, and C++20. How could an underfinanced language without a corporate owner succeed like that? What are the key ideas and design principles? How did the original ideas survive almost 40 years of development and 30 years of attention from a 100+ member standards  committee?

Given C++20, what is the current state of C++ and what is likely to happen over the next few years?

C++的发展始于 1979 年,从那时起,C++逐渐成为被最广泛运用的编程语言之一,它着重于高需 求的行业化使用。C++在 1985 年开始商业化发布,并在其演进过程中历经了非正式的标准 ARM 以 及多种 ISO 标准:C++98,C++11,C++14, C++17 和 C++20。一种资金短缺且没有公司支持的计算 机语言如何能做到这些?主要的概念和设计原则有哪些?最初的构想又是如何发展了将近 40 年并且在 30 年中得到拥有超过 100 名成员的标准委员会的关注?

鉴于 C++20 即将发布,C++语言目前的整体现状是怎样的?在未来几年会再怎样发展?在计算机语言进化中,我们又在解决些什么问题?

报告人信息:Bjarne Stroustrup is the designer and original implementer of C++ as as well as the author of The C++ Programming Language (Fourth Edition) and A Tour of C++, Programming: Principles and Practice using C++ (Second Edition), and many popular and academic publications.

Dr. Stroustrup is a Managing Director in the Technology division of Morgan Stanley in New York City as well as a visiting professor at Columbia University. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, and an IEEE, ACM, and CHM fellow. His research interests include distributed systems, design, programming techniques, software development tools, and programming languages. To make C++ a stable and up to date base for real world software development, he has been a leading figure with the ISO C++ standards effort for more than 25 years. He holds a master’s degree in Mathematics from Aarhus University and a PhD in Computer Science from Cambridge University, where he is an honorary fellow of Churchill College. Dr. Stroustrup has been awarded the prestigious Faraday Medal by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), the U.K.'s oldest engineering professional society, for his pioneering of the C++ programming language and its contribution to the history of computing.

Bjarne Stroustrup 博士是 C++编程语言最初的设计和建构者,也是诸多技术畅销书和学术著作的作 者,出版书籍包括《C++程序语言》(第 4 版)、《C++之旅》(第 2 版)、《C++程序设计:原理与实践》(第 2 版)等。Stroustrup 博士在摩根士丹利纽约信息技术部任董事总经理,他亦被授予摩根士丹利技术院士称号(Technical Fellow)——这是摩根士丹利授予其技术团队成员的最高荣誉。Stroustrup 博士同时亦为纽约哥伦比亚大学的客座教授、美国国家工程院院士、美国电气电子工程师(IEEE)学会与计算机学会(ACM)的资深会员、 计算机历史博物馆(CHM) 杰出贡献者。他于 2017 年荣获 IET 法拉第奖章,于 2018 年荣获美国国家工程学院颁发的“德雷珀”奖(美国工程领域最高荣誉)。Stroustrup 博士的大部分重要项目在贝尔实验室完成,他感兴趣的研究领域包括分布式系统、设计、编程技术、软件开发工具以及编程语言。为了使 C++语言在现实世界软件开发领域成为稳定而与时俱进的根基性存在,他已经在建立 C++语言 ISO 标准的进程中做了 25 年的努力。Stroustrup 博士于奥胡斯大学获数学硕士学位,于剑桥大学获计算机科学博士学位,他同时亦为剑桥大学丘吉尔学院的荣誉院士。

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