发布时间:2020-12-04 浏览量:10013

报告题目Detecting Nondeterministic Payment Bugs in Ethereum Smart Contracts

报告人:王帅 助理教授  香港科技大学




会议号:283 365 502


报告摘要:Despite rapid growth of the Ethereum block-chain system and the smart contract ecosystem, errors and exploitations have been constantly reported from online contract systems, which has put financial stability at risk with losses totaling millions of US dorllars. In this talk, Shuai Wang will introduce an approach to analyzing the inherent nondeterminism in the Ethereum blockchain system and its influence on smart contract payments. Shuai will show that the new focus on nondeterminism-related smart contract payment bugs captures the root causes of many common vulnerabilities without relying on any known patterns and also encompasses recently disclosed issues that are not handled by existing research.


报告人简介:王帅教授的研究方向位软件与系统安全,包括软件测试,逆向工程,二进制分析等。在软件工程,变成语言理论以及计算机安全的国际一流会议和期刊(ICSE, ASE, TSE, OOPSLA, USENIX Security)等发表文章十余篇。他同时也是国际一流会议和期刊(ICSE, ICSE-SEIP, FSE, CCS, TSE)等的委员和审稿人。

院长信箱:yuanzhang@sei.ecnu.edu.cn | 办公邮箱:office@sei.ecnu.edu.cn | 院办电话:021-62232550
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