Wang Yi

Report title: MIMOS: from courses to tools for embedded software design&updates

Report time: July 4th, 09:00-10:00

Offline report location: B1002, Science Building

Host: Professor Deng Yuxin


MIMOS is a tool environment for the design and update of high-performance and timing-predictable embedded systems. It provides tools for modelling, simulation, verification, scheduling and code generation for developing embedded software on heterogeneous multi- & many-core platforms as well as dynamic software updates for systems in operation.

Introduction of Lectuer:

Wang Yi, Chair Professor at Uppsala University in Sweden and Distinguished Professor at Northeastern University. Main research interests: Embedded system design and updates. Main Awards: 2013 CAV Award, 2019 IEEE TCRTS Award, and 2022 Uppsala University Rudbeck Medal. Professor Wang Yi is a recipient of IEEE&ACM Fellow and the EU ERC Advanced Grant.

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