He Weijia

Title: Security, privacy, and practicality of ubiquitous computing systems from a situational perspective

Report time: March 13, 2024 (Wednesday) 12:00-13:00

Report Meeting Number: Tencent Meeting 912 979 916

Inviter: Wan Chengcheng


With the popularization of smart homes, voice assistants, and IoT devices, ubiquitous computing has become a part of our daily lives. Unlike traditional computing devices, ubiquitous computing devices often require interaction with multiple users, constantly reading information from the surrounding environment, making autonomous decisions, and lacking commonly used input and output devices. When these devices enter thousands of households and interact with users from different backgrounds and identities, how to ensure the security and privacy of users in different scenarios has become an important challenge for implementing ubiquitous computing. This report aims to explore in depth the importance of scenario based access control systems in smart homes, as well as the security precautions, privacy protection, and user oriented design concepts that must be taken into consideration in the actual implementation process.

Reported by:

He Weijia is currently employed as a postdoctoral fellow at Dartmouth University, with a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Chicago. Dr. He Weijia's main research direction is the security and privacy issues of ubiquitous computing systems, aiming to help end users correctly use security systems in real-world scenarios and applications. She has published papers at multiple top international academic conferences, including ICSE CHI, USENIX Security, EuroS&P, IMWUT (UbiComp), etc. Dr. He Weijia has been honored as a Siebel Scholar (with 90 people worldwide each year), serving as a member of USENIX Security PC or AEC members of cutting-edge conferences in fields such as CCS and PETS.

Personal website: https://hewj.info

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