2017 Data Science Frontier Theory and Technology Seminar Held

On December 16, 2017, a seminar on the latest research progress in data science sponsored by the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering of East China Normal University was successfully held. Internationally renowned experts and scholars from this field gathered together to conduct a special discussion on the frontier theory and technology of data science. More than 70 people from famous universities and collegs attended the meeting. The conference lasted for one day. Prof. Jeffrey Xu Yu and Yin Zhang presided over the meeting.



The meeting began with a speech by Professor Lin Xuemin from our institute, followed by six keynote speeches. Professor Jiawei Han (ACM & IEEE Fellow) from the University of Illinois at the United States first gave a special report entitled "Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Massive Text Corpora".


The second guest report was from Divesh Srivastava (ACM Fellow) of AT&T Research Lab, and a report entitled "Data Glitches = Constraint = Empirical Explanations"


The last invited guest report in the morning was from IEEE Fellow, University of New South Wales, Australia, and the report titled “Subgraph Enumeration”.



In the afternoon, Prof. Wei Wang from the University of California, USA, first published a report entitled “Big Data Analytics in Biomedical Science and Beyond”. Prof. Wang introduced the latest developments in artificial intelligence in the field of biomedical sciences.


 Prof. Yu from the Chinese University of Hong Kong then gave a report entitled “Finding Max Cliques in Massive Graphs”.


The finale of the symposium was presented by Professor of the University of Queensland, Australia, and IEEE Fellow, IEEE University, and the report titled "Multidimensional Big Data Imputation."


After the end of each theme report, the experts and the audience had a heated discussion on the content of the report. The guests expressed a lot of gains. Finally, Prof. Lin made a summary of the meeting. The meeting successfully came to close.

School of Software Engineering

Copyright Software Engineering Institute

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