Dr. John K. Zao, Chairman of the IEEE Working Group on Mist Computing and Network Communications Structure Standards, Visited Our School

On November 27th, Dr. John K. Zao, a cyber security expert, was invited to visit our school and gave an academic report entitled “IoT and Fog Computing: A Disruptive Paradigm” to the faculty and students.


Prof. John K. Zao


Dr. John K. Zao, Ph.D. majored in computer science at Harvard University in 1995. Then he became a senior researcher at Internet pioneer BBN and served as the founding chairman of the IEEE Mist Computing and Network Communications Framework Standards Working Group, IEEE Internet of Things Edge/Fog/ The founding vice chairman of the Cloud Communications Standards Committee, co-chair of the OpenFog Alliance Security Working Group co-founded by Cisco, Intel, ARM, Dell, Microsoft, and Princeton University.


During the visit, Dr. John K. Zao analyzed the emerging application requirements brought by fog computing/edge computing in detail. He introduced the fog reference architecture and the fog computing network reference framework promulgated by the OpenFog Alliance.


It was reported that Prof. He Jifeng and Prof. Cao Zhenfu had conducted in-depth exchanges with Dr. John K. Zao, and developed safety standards, academic exchanges, and personnel training in the field of IEEE fog computing.



On December 15th, East China Normal University officially joined the IEEE Standard Working Group (IEEE P1934 Working Group), and would assign Associate Professor Liu Hong and Associate Professor Zhou Jun to the Fog Computing Information Security Group to participate in joint participation with domestic and foreign institutions such as Intel, Cisco, and Huawei. They made preparation for work for IEEE International Standard for Fog Calculation.

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